Grooming Your pooch – Why & How
Grooming is not just about a hair-cut. Grooming is important for dogs of all breeds – it helps them maintain a shiny, tangle-free coat and gives you the chance to check for parasite infestations and skin issues, improving their overall hygiene. It can be a one-on-one bonding experience for you and your pet.
Basically grooming includes, bathing, brushing, trimming nails and checking out ears and skin. If your dog has long hair it needs to be cut. This is usually done with professional groomers as this is a little tricky at home.
You can make a huge difference to the comfort of your dogs experience if you start them off young. When your puppy is young he is amenable to your pokings and proddings and gets used to it. Play with the feet, the ears, and handle him often with treats for positive reinforcement. When he grows up he will associate all that with love and not fear or aggression.
1. Regularly brush your dog’s coat to prevent matting

Regardless of breed, your dog will need regular brushing to keep its coat shiny and glossy. The amount of brushing per week depends on your dog’s coat length and texture. Longhaired breeds like shepherds and poodles will need more frequent brushing while shorthaired breeds like our potlickers or pitty mixes may need a good brushing only every other week.
For longhaired dogs, badly matted hair can cause pain. Dogs will lick or bite themselves at the source of irritation, which may result in skin infections. Regularly brushing your longhaired dog prevents matting from becoming a problem.
Shorthaired dogs benefit from brushing, too. Brushing removes loose hair, dirt and dander from your dog’s coat, extending the time between baths.
2. Trim your dog’s hair – but use caution or professional groomers

Most dog owners prefer to take their dog to a groomer to have their dog’s hair cut. That said, if you proceed carefully you can trim overgrown hair around your dog’s eyes or paws in between professional groomings. Trimming the hair around your dog’s eyes can prevent overgrown hair from blocking its vision and rubbing against and damaging its eyes.
Always wait until your dog is calm and preferably lying down. Move slowly and calmly, and use extra caution when scissor blades are near the skin. Make sure to reward your dog’s calmness with a treat after you’re finished.
Remember: It’s easy to accidentally cut your pet with scissors or clippers. Always take care when trimming, and if you’re nervous or would prefer not to trim your dog’s hair yourself, turn to a professional grooming service, such as Pampered Paws (more info below for that).
3. Safely trim your dog’s nails

Your dog’s nails need to be trimmed when you can hear them ‘clacking’ on a cement floor. As puppies they are softer and easier to trim at home with people nail clippers. Just pop into the Humane Society on a Saturday with the pup and we can show you how. As they get older it gets harder, but if you teach your dog that nail trims are an ok experience then when you have to deal with it later on it’s a bit easier.
4. Check your dog’s skin as you groom
Allergic skin diseases are common in dogs, causing itchiness and making them scratch, chew or lick their skin. In addition to making your pet miserable, external parasites like fleas, ticks, lice and mites can transfer diseases or other parasites like the tapeworm.
Make a habit of checking your dog’s skin every time you groom them. Start by running your fingers through your dog’s coat, feeling its skin for unusual lumps or bumps. You can investigate further by parting the coat to examine the skin more closely for sores, redness, rashes, bald spots and evidence of parasitic infestations.
5. Teach your dog to enjoy grooming sessions

Many dogs, especially puppies, need encouragement and positive reinforcement when you first introduce them to a grooming routine.
These tips will help the first few at-home grooming sessions go smoothly:
- Spread a little of his favourite treat on a washable surface and allow your dog or puppy to lick it off while you brush or wash them. Peanut butter works great!!
- Take things slowly and give lots of treats and praise so your pup will look forward to its next pampering session.
- Start them as pups to this routine.
6. Regularly check your dog’s ears

While grooming your dog, remember to take a closer look at its ears. Ear infections can be painful, so if you notice any of the following changes or behaviours, take your dog to your vet for a check-up:
- The inside of the ears is inflamed or moist.
- The ears smell odd (often, the smell of a dog ear infection is sweet).
- Your dog shakes its head or scratches at its ears.
- The ears contain more or a different kind of discharge than usual (a little wax is normal).
- Whines or yelps when you examine the dog’s ears.
7. Don’t bathe your dog too often

Most dogs with healthy skin only need to be bathed every few of months to prevent hygiene issues and unpleasant odours. Bathing your dog more often than this can strip the natural oils from its coat and dry out its skin.
If your dog smells bad but hasn’t rolled in something awful, then you should discuss this with your vet. Underlying issues may indicate dental disease or a skin infection.
When bathing your dog, keep these tips in mind:
- Pour the water over your dog until it is thoroughly wet then gently massage the shampoo (use non soap baby shampoo) into the coat. Avoid the dog’s eyes, mouth and the insides of its ears.
- Rinse the shampoo off with warm water, then let your dog shake and air dry outside, if the weather is warm. In cooler weather or if you have a small dog and cold water, dry the dog by gently towel-drying the coat and keeping them wrapped up if shivering.
Good grooming, periodic bathing and regular skin and ear checks not only help keep your dog healthy, it demonstrates your love for your pet and gives you quality time together.
The Caye Caulker Humane Society can help you with advice on any of the above issues.
We have the best grooming company – Pampered Paws from San Pedro – using our deck every Friday by appointment for your all your grooming needs.
Call 226-2227, 8-5pm, Mon-Sat to make an appointment.